10/02/2025 10:19 AM


World Business Inquiries

Startups for Vets, WordPress, Web Hosting, and Business Online

Web Hosting Tools, WordPress and Business Startups

Web Hosting Tools for Startups

Female veterans are facing employment challenges as they return home. The unemployment rate for female veterans well surpasses that of their male piers. Rather than waiting for the economy to change, many of our bravest are creating their own opportunities and seeking self-employment as an alternative. And for good reasons. Female veterans of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq are facing challenges when they return home from deployment. So often when we think about vets coming home and looking for employment, we visualize our brave soldiers coming home to a land of opportunity. But that is far from the reality. When vets come home they face a whole series of transitions that vets need to make in order to gain employment.

Many female veterans are single mothers who have a lot to go through all at once. Being a job seeker and also being a Mom can be a difficult challenge. Many female vets have stated that when they transition out of the military, they are not prepared for the income drop that stems from taxes and medical insurance expenses. Before they know it after they transition out of the military, many female vets find themselves homeless and without hope. They are looking for local help for home and food programs, such as Inner Faith, which subsidize the food for themselves and their children.

The competition for jobs against their male counterparts is extreme. Women vets are choosing to gain unpaid internships in order to get their foot in the door. Many times when seeking a job, female vets learn that the job is filled by their male counterparts. Male domination in many industries is prevalent. Women have to mold their schedule and their lives because of their children. There are many challenges. Biases against veterans, biases against women and the challenges that they face for not only getting a job but getting equal pay. Many vets return from deployment physically disabled or face PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) which makes finances a real challenge. Women vets are having to pick and choose which bills they can pay, which results in a lower credit rating. There are a whole series of challenges for women coming back after serving our country.

Getting Green Done with Vets

GCGreen.com is a women owned, native American, service disabled, veteran owned company that was started by a female vet after she returned home and found the employment opportunities for female vets were scarce. The company focuses on providing a growing network of education, training, apprenticeship, and project opportunities for vets looking to work in the energy efficiency and alternative energy systems such as renewable energy. They actively participate in developing and implementing training programs especially those for transitional veterans and for out of work or under-employed veterans attempting to overcome their unique challenges in today’s economy. GCGreen is a company for renewable energy consulting. A woman veteran focuses on veteran training and veteran mentorship in the clean energy industry. As students come out of the classes, GCGreen has employment opportunities for women veterans that are knowledgeable in solar panel installation.

Web Hosting Tools for Creating Your Own Opportunities

GCGreen.com is a website that was created using WordPress, a content management system, that makes creating a website or blog easy. WordPress is available with web hosting plans from reputable hosting firms. With the tools provided from a web hosting firm, people can start their own website and ultimately their own business. There are a lot of employers that do value the military experience, but it is a challenge to find those employers. With an unemployment rate for veterans at 6.8%, while the unemployment rate for female veterans is 15.5%, one can easily see the disadvantages for female vets. These are staggering numbers. These amazing women who went to war are learning that they need to be creative in order to make a living. Building a business during or after deployment is something that is a viable option to a desk job.

Solutions for Female Veterans

Being an entrepreneur is something that could be a practical solution for these women. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers programs for women entrepreneurs who are willing to take the initiative. Capital One, for example, provides events for female veterans who have businesses and allow women veteran business owners to pitch their ideas in front of industry leaders. SBA.gov is the place to start marketing your new business and finding opportunities that would otherwise not be available.

Veteran business owners are able to network through SBA.gov and grow their business with opportunities provided by the Federal Government. SBA has training, networking, and sub-contractor information for small business owners. When signing up with SBA.gov, you will need a Dun & Bradstreet business number, a website address, and documentation that supports your business such as a Incorporation Papers or a Doing Business As (DBA) certificate from your state.

Web Hosting Solutions for Entrepreneurs

There are more than 27 million small businesses across the nation, and it’s a challenging feat to open one after a recession. But with the affordable cost of web hosting, entrepreneurs are able to secure a domain name many times for free, setup a professional website using WordPress, and have a formal e-mail addresses for yourself and any of your employees. In light of constant unemployment news, there is an emerging trend of veterans who brainstorm business ideas they launch in their free time — and grow into a full time job.

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