How To Use Content Curation To Skyrocket Your B2B Marketing Efforts

B2B content marketing can help boost search engine rankings, increase brand awareness and help establish a business as a leader in an industry. Content can boost brand visibility and plant seeds in the minds of readers, leading to an increase in traffic, leads, and sales.
Content curation comes with many challenges, however. High-quality content posted on a consistent schedule takes time and energy. Even brands that do create and share content on a timely schedule compete with many other industry voices doing the same thing.
Furthermore, with so much information and distractions on the internet, gaining more than a few seconds of attention from your average internet user is a big accomplishment. B2B content must be concise and attention-grabbing yet add value to the reader.
In this article, we will discuss the importance of content curation in B2B marketing. We’ll also share our top 3 tips for meaningful content that sets you apart from your competitors.
Why is content curation important for B2B companies?
Put simply, B2B content marketing generates measurable results for companies. It is so popular among B2B marketing professionals that 91% of them say they use it, with 30% claiming content provides the highest ROI versus any other channel.
High-quality, consistent content doesn’t just attract traffic and bring attention to your company. It establishes your brand as the top voice in your field and boosts people’s perception of your business as an authority in your industry.
While content is great at attracting new customers, 63% of content marketers say they use content to build relationships and boost loyalty among their existing customers.
Top 3 tips for creating quality B2B content
B2B content posted on a consistent schedule is essential for any successful marketing strategy. But what qualities make great B2B content stand out among the rest?
1. High-quality B2B content is concise
The most effective B2B content is presented as microcontent. Microcontent provides your readers with short-form content like statistics, tips, graphs, quick videos, or quotes. This type of quick content – often referred to as “snackable content” – gets to the point quickly. It immediately adds value to your reader’s day and makes them more likely to engage with it. Although B2B marketing is very different from B2C social marketing, it can still benefit from the same type of brevity.
After all, the audience for most B2B companies comprises fellow professionals from their industries or people who use their products or services to complete their job more efficiently. These are exactly the type of people who don’t have all the time in the day to scroll through web pages or social media feeds.
While Red Bull can keep viewers riveted for hours by hosting and streaming events such as cliff-diving competitions, a B2B software company might struggle to generate such a high level of interest. This explains why microcontent is so valuable for B2B companies while competing for the attention of many high-functioning, busy professionals.
Microcontent doesn’t always mean providing only small snippets of information at once. It can also come in the form of a key points article summary that boils your article down for those who don’t have the time to read the whole thing. This approach can make a huge difference in your ability to grab the attention of decision-makers in your industry and enhance the inward cash flow of your business.
2. The best B2B content always adds value
It’s tempting for B2B companies to rely on fluff pieces and regurgitated content to fill up their blogs and social media pages. However, providing your followers with busy, meaningless, or redundant content will hurt the integrity of your brand.
B2C content can get by with attention-grabbing stunts to get reactions from consumers on social media, but B2B content creators have to dive deeper. B2B content is highly specialized and must be laser-focused to deliver value to readers.
Furthermore, there is the expectation that this content will be delivered professionally, which greatly limits marketers in terms of what they can do to get a reaction from their audience. But there’s no way around it – B2B content can’t rely on anything other than quality to set itself apart.
B2B content has to be useful and relevant above all else. Unless your content has given factual information or actionable tips that have meaning in your professional setting, it’s missed the mark. Although a few unusual or entertaining pieces are always welcome, they should be the exception rather than the rule. Some of the best B2B content comes in the form of timely pieces related to industry trends or the latest news in your field, putting information in perspective or condensing dense topics for easy reading.
Anything that makes your readers’ jobs easier or makes them seem more knowledgeable in the workplace will work wonders to boost your reputation management goals among your target demographic.
3. Laser-focused content is the way to go for B2B marketing
We’ve mentioned the importance of being concise while adding value with your B2B content. It’s also important to be laser-focused when it comes to the type of topics you deal with in your content. A deep understanding of your audience – most of whom are likely part of a niche group that is relevant to your particular industry – is key to creating unique and compelling content.
This is where content frequently fails. While seeking to add value, many content creators err on the side of being more general in their content to avoid alienating readers who may not be familiar with their industry.
This is the wrong approach. It is exactly this subset of professionals that you are looking to attract the most. Few things will establish yourself as a leading authority in your industry better than creating highly specific content geared to the type of problems and concerns common in your field.
That’s not to say your B2B content should be laden with industry jargon or inaccessible to those just starting in your field. It just means that your content should show a deep understanding of your target customer and ideal audience and center on improving their professional lives rather than just offering catch-all advice or general insights.
B2B content must establish your brand as a reliable, reputable leader in your industry, and it’s essential for boosting sales and increasing revenue.
Great B2B content distinguishes itself by quickly and concisely adding value, always respecting your reader’s time. The best B2B content is highly geared towards your ideal audience or target niche, firmly establishing your brand as a member of the community that is most relevant to the products or services your company offers.