10/02/2025 10:27 AM


World Business Inquiries

7 Types of People You Should Avoid When Starting Your Business

Do you know that starting a business is one of the most, if not the most challenging tasks any individual can embark upon? Why is this the case, you might ask?

First of all, consider that you are about venturing into a world of uncertainty. Now you may have carried out your feasibility studies, obtained the training and expertise needed to run a business as well as gather all the resources to hit the road running; but remember that the business world offers no guarantees.

There are no guarantees that there will be no change in fiscal and monetary policy that will effectively shut down the operations of your business.

There are no guarantees that your target market may acquire new tastes and needs, hence rendering your product/service redundant.

There are no guarantees that a competitor will not emerge down the line and cut into your market share and hence cut down your profits.

Indeed, starting a business means you will need to be a self-starter and have loads of determination and optimism to succeed. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you surround yourself with the people that have the same attitude and hunger as you do.

In the same vein, it is just as important that you avoid certain categories of people when you begin your entrepreneurial journey.

These categories of people have the capacity to derail your vision in business; they can also impair your views about life in general. These categories of people to avoid include the following:

1. Avoid People who seem to Know It All

Businesses thrive and flourish when their owners are constantly in the search for more knowledge; better ways of offering a product or service to their customers. It is what has kept businesses like Apple and Facebook relevant; posting impressive profits because they continue to research, innovate and seek knowledge. You cannot perform below this standard.

Therefore, it is important that you get rid of people who feel that they have all the knowledge and do not see the need to better themselves.

You must shun these people simply because your business needs you to constantly be on the lookout for new and better ways of solving the needs and want of your customers.

2. Avoid People who Nag and Complain a lot

Starting a business will require that you possess loads of determination and focus. Why is this the case? It is simply because there will be times when you will face challenges and setbacks that will question the very basis of why you started the business in the first place. It is during those periods that you should be thankful for the little victories that you may have garnered up until that time.

If you surround yourself with people who are never grateful for what they have accomplished, even if small but would rather throw tantrums and whine about how things can be better, you may end up assuming such a disposition to your business and life in general.

3. Avoid People Who Massage your Ego

You have begun your entrepreneurial journey and the time has come to bring on staff and advisers that will help propel your venture forward.

It is pertinent to note the person who always sings your praises, always demurs to your every whim and tells you that you can do no wrong. Run away from people who cozy up to you in this way.

What you and your business need are people who will be bold enough to push for what they believe is the way to go in your business, even if their opinion is at odds with yours.

4. Avoid People who are Overly Pessimistic

There are certain people who will always envision the worst possible outcome for any plan or project. If such people had their ways, they would not even get out of bed in the mornings.

If you surround yourself with these kinds of people, you run the risk of viewing every potential business action or project through the lens of it failing or worse.

You must realize that starting a business itself is a risk but a calculated one when you are able to plan and prepare adequately.

5. Avoid People who want to Always receive all the Credit

In starting a business, you will be deploying both human and non-human resources in meeting the demands/needs of your target market.

This will mean that you will lead and be a part of a team that will implement the objectives of your business.

It is important that you avoid recruiting people who are self-centered and are not team players.

They usually want to be in the limelight and receive praise for accomplishments whether or not it is directly from their efforts or not.

Such people have the potential to disrupt team synergy and cohesion and could engender an unproductive atmosphere in the business.

6. Avoid People who try to Cut Corners

You will do yourself and your business a world of good when you shun individuals who are in a hurry to earn a buck or seal a transaction. This should not be confused with employees who go the extra mile in making sales and getting new markets. People who cut corners, on the other hand, will try even illegal ways and means to get something done.

Their actions have the potential of not only corrupting other members of your business team, but they could also put your operations in trouble with the laws of the land.

7. Avoid People Who Sow Discord

There are people who get a thrill from fanning the embers of business place gossip and hearsay, while at the same time smearing the reputation of others, in order to advance their own causes.

You will do well to shun people who seek to get ahead in your organization be resorting to creating conflicts and standoffs in order to lay the blame unfairly at the feet of others.

This list is by no means exhaustive. The success of your business rests squarely on your shoulders. You must endeavor to populate yourself with the right people, with the right attitude, in order to ensure your business runs smoothly.

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