15/02/2025 10:44 AM


World Business Inquiries

Internet Business Idea – How to Start With Affiliate Marketing

Well, you are sick of your 9-5 and your boss. You are ready to be your own boss and call your own shots. You have a internet business idea and you are thinking it is time to start your own internet business.

You have heard of internet marketing; but you really think of it as tons of scams online. You have heard stories of success but you don’t know where to begin. You have heard stories of people being scammed of thousands of dollars. And you have “internet marketing gurus” telling you, that you can earn thousands and thousands of dollars by tomorrow if you buy their product.

Well, I can see how you are confused before you even start. But, I am going to tell you the easiest way to get started making money online.

Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is becoming an affiliate for someone else’s product and selling it.

This is the easiest way to get started in my opinion because, you don’t have to invest time or money into creating your own product and you can get started today. If you know about a product that your friends or family may use, simply sign-up to that products affiliate program and have them purchase it through your affiliate link.

That is a great way to get started. Once you have some success with family and friends. You can start getting people online that you don’t know to purchase through your links. Some great ways to start this is to;

Create a product review page. You can invest in your own website and create your review page. But, if you are not willing to put up the funds right now, you can create your review page on a free blogging website. There are so many you can use:

  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Tumblr
  • Squidoo
  • Hubpages

Those are just a few. After you create your website explaining what your affiliate product does and how it can help your potential customers, you should start promoting your site.

Here are some ways to promote your site.

1. Forums- Find forums that are in your in your affiliate products niche and add a link back to your website in your forum signature box. You can also, find discussion board in your niche and add a link back to your site.

2 . Articles Directories- You can write articles and submit them to article directories like EzineArticles. If the affiliate product you are promoting is about weight loss, you should write tons of article on weight loss and add a link back to your website in your author box. I would recommend writing at least 1 article a day and submitting it. But if you are able to do more than 1 please do. You will not regret it.

3. Video- This is really simple. You can turn your articles into power point presentation and make a video out of it. You can add pictures about your product to the presentation just to make it more interesting. In the video description be sure to add a link back to your site or directly to your affiliate link.

4. Pay Per Click Advertising- You can pay for advertising from Google, Yahoo, or MSN/Bing to bring targeted customers to your site. I don’t really recommend this way to new beginners at internet marketing, but it can potentially bring you fast customers. If you really do your homework and know what you are doing this could work out in your favor. As a warning just know what you are getting into because you do not want to end up at a loss.

I hope this has given you motivation to get started with your online business. Just remember, there is no magic button that you can press that will have you making money tomorrow. You have to stick it out.

Please stick with one thing at a time and work with it until you make it successful. Once you create your site promote it for at least a month before you start on any thing new. If you promote your site daily you will definitely get results. Do not get discouraged if you don’t see immediate success. And don’t make it too complicated. Start out simple and once you see success, you can start adding more way to promote your website.

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