From united state of America, a breakthrough marketing miracle formula!
From united state of America, a breakthrough marketing miracle formula!
With 5 principles to success and transform your life ever.
Allow me to paint the scene…
When discussing Marketing Miracles, it seems appropriate to consider the marketing principles
contained in the historical record of a literal miracle—in the chronological accounts of the kings
within the dynasty of Israel, sometime between 536 and 562 BC. The account discusses the plight of a
widow of a prominent and well respected individual within his community and probably within quite
a wide geographical region. However, while the widow’s husband was well respected, he incurred
considerable debt prior to his death. Subsequent to his demise, the widow had no means to pay back
the debt and was poor, destitute, and was under the obligation to pay the entire debt to the creditor. In
the historical setting of the culture in which this narrative occurs, people borrowed money based upon
their personal credit, and the primary security for the debt was their own value as a laborer and the
value of the labor of their children. If full payment of the debt could not be paid at the time it was due,
the debtor and their children became a servant to the creditor to literally “work off” the debt. This
was the situation this widow faced. The creditor had called for the debt to be paid, but since there
was no money, the creditor was going to take her children into his custody until they worked off the
In desperation, the woman sought out the help of another well respected and authoritative figure
within the community. The man’s name was Elisha. Elisha engaged the widow in conversation to
assess the gravity of the situation and to determine what could be done. He basically asked her two
questions. The first, “What do you want me to do?” The second question was, “What do you have in
your house?” The answer to the first question is probably obvious. The widow wanted direction from
him so she could find a way to pay the debt so her children would not be subject to forced labor.
However, the answer to the second question left the woman feeling very inadequate. Literally, the
only thing she had in her home was a small amount of oil. Not even enough oil to use in the
preparation of a meal. Her response was, “I have nothing in my house except for a little oil.”
Without hesitation, Elisha instructed her to go through the neighborhood and collect as many bottles as
possible. Not just a few, but as many bottles as the neighbors would give her. She did as she was
instructed and brought the bottles inside her home. Elisha then instructed her to take her sons into the
house, close the door, and begin pouring the little bit of oil she had into the empty jars until all the
jars were full. The widow did as she was instructed and found that the little bit of oil she had seemed
to be never ending. She filled jar after jar after jar until every jar was full. When she no longer had
any empty jars, the oil she used also ran out.
The oil the widow possessed after this miracle was very valuable. She had the opportunity to sell the
oil, possibly to some of the same neighbors that gave her the empty bottles as well as others. She
would have been able to collect enough money to pay off her debt, keep her sons from forced labor
under her creditor, and have enough left over to provide for herself and her children.
There are five principles I see in this account of the miracle that transpired to transform the life and
circumstances of this widow. First, there had to be “motivation” to change her circumstances. She
was in a desperate situation. It’s very interesting to see how negative circumstances can become a
motivating factor in our lives. Many who are reading this chapter are facing circumstances that seem
insurmountable and overwhelming. You may feel like you are suffocating from the burden of your
situation and you don’t know where to turn or what to do. But, in the midst of the emotional upheaval
in your life there is something that stirs within you that says, “I must survive! I must fight through this
circumstance!” I’m sure you have heard the phrase used many times, “You can allow your
circumstances to make you bitter or better.” Even though that expression may be overused at times,
there is tremendous truth in it. Listen to the voice inside you that won’t allow you to give up. No
matter how low you get or how financially destitute you become, don’t allow yourself to succumb to
the burden of your circumstances. Some of you have a dream to do something really big, but you are
surrounded by people that keep telling you it can’t be done. It may be your spouse, a family member
or a close friend telling you to give up and focus your attention on something more stable or less
visionary. Whatever your circumstances may be, use it as catalyst to motivate yourself toward
The second principle contained in the widow’s miracle is “mission.” The widow’s mission was to
get out of debt and save her children from becoming the forced laborers of her creditor. What is your
mission? Have you defined it? The widow knew exactly what she wanted to accomplish, she just
wasn’t sure how to get there. For me as well as for many others reading this chapter, just like the
widow, the welfare of our family and our children is one of our highest priorities in our lives. They
become a large part of our mission even though our mission may extend beyond our immediate family.
What example would you like to be to your children? Do you want them to see an example of success and accomplishment? I know you’re not fighting to keep them from becoming a forced laborer to your
creditor like the widow. But, are you a slave to your creditors? Do you have to work day after day and sometimes more than one job just to keep your creditors paid? If so, you have become a slave to
your creditors. That is not the example you want to be for your children. Defining your mission will
enable you to begin putting into action a plan to break out of negative circumstances and become free
from creditors and those issues in life that prevent you from excelling. It is vitally important to have a
specific mission in place.
The third principle I see in the widow’s miracle is the “map” or plan that was provided for her. Did
you notice in the historical record of this event that Elisha did not give the widow the entire plan at
once? He gave her a simple instruction. He told her to go and gather as many empty bottles as she
could possibly find. You may note that the instruction was very simplistic and within her ability to
accomplish. There is a key here that must not be overlooked. Some people think that great
accomplishment must be done through complex instruction. On the contrary, great accomplishment is
usually achieved through a series of very routine, but very consistent steps. Many people think they
really have to be stretched and do things that are far outside of their comfort zone to be successful.
I’m not suggesting that we should never move outside our comfort zone, in fact, at some point it will
be necessary to stretch and grow to achieve significant accomplishment. But, it is even more
important to begin doing things that are well within the realm of your zone of comfort and ability.
Begin there, where you are most comfortable. Get some successes under your belt. Can you imagine
the motivation the widow must have felt when the first neighbor gave her the first bottle as she began her collection? Maybe that neighbor gave her ten bottles. Be assured, there were some neighbors that
told her to go away and gave her nothing. But, as long as she was able to see some accomplishment
and she kept her eye on her mission, her motivation soared. She followed through on a very simple
first step, had a sense of great accomplishment, and was ready for the next step.
The next step in the “map” or plan Elisha laid out for the widow was to begin pouring the small
amount of oil into the empty jars she collected. As she poured the oil something miraculous began to
happen. It continued to pour out until all the empty jars were completely full. In order for the widow
to see the great success of having an overflowing abundance of oil at her disposal she had to follow
the map Elisha gave her. It probably didn’t make sense in her own mind to begin pouring the little bit
of oil she had into an empty jar. But, she followed the instruction in detail and saw things happen that
were beyond her comprehension.
Can you imagine what the situation would have been like if she failed to remember the little bit of oil
she had in her house? She could have thought the amount of oil was so insignificant that it wouldn’t
make any difference in her circumstances. That is not unlike how many people think. They look at
their resources and determine they don’t have anything that can make a difference. Or they fail to see
the resources at hand because they are so focused on their circumstances. I remember a story someone
told me one time about running into a friend on the street and this individual asked the friend how he
was doing. The friend responded, “Alright, under the circumstances.” The individual responded,
“Well, what are you doing under there?” The friend replied, “Under where?” to which the individual
responded, “Under your circumstances.” I must ask you that same question. What are you doing under your circumstances? You must get out from under your circumstances where you can see clearly or
you might not remember the little bit of oil that has the potential to become the resource to lead you to
great victories.
The fourth principle I see is “marketing.” She initially went to her neighbors to ask for empty bottles.
I equate this to building a list. Any marketer knows you have to have a list and you need to keep the
list growing. You need to keep prospects continually flowing into your sales funnel. After the widow
experienced the miracle of an overflowing abundance of oil, she was able to take her resource to
market. While this is purely an assumption on my part, I believe she took her oil back to the same
neighbors she contacted for the empty bottles, told them her story, and they began buying. She
probably sold oil to neighbors and friends that told her she would never make it. You know those
family and friends I’m talking about. She turned oil into cash, paid off her debt and began to live a
comfortable life.
The fifth and final principle I see is need for a “mentor.” While she didn’t realize it at the time, the
widow had a mentor that would be one of the most renowned historical figures in the annals of time
for her nation. Elisha was a man fully qualified to help her out of her circumstances. As a mentor, he
listened to her problem and gave her a recommended action plan. The widow had a choice to make.
She could follow her mentor’s advice or walk away from the advice and try to figure out a solution on
her own. Even though her mentor’s solution may not have made sense to her at the time, she trusted
him and followed his advice. She took a step of faith and believed in the person giving her the advice.
Had she not followed his advice, she would have lost her children to her creditor. She would have
failed to be an example of success to her children and others around her. But, instead she followed the instruction of her mentor without question and was lead to success. The importance of a qualified
mentor cannot be overstressed. If you want to be successful, find someone that is more successful than
you and follow their lead. Listen to their advice even when it may not make complete sense to you.
Put your confidence in the fact that they have been successful and can lead you down that same path of
The five principles that will guide you to success include:
1. Motivation – Don’t fall prey to your circumstances, but allow your circumstances to become a
motivating factor for you to succeed.
2. Mission – Make sure your mission is clear in your mind and that it permeates your entire being.
3. Map – Establish a well thought-out plan for yourself and how you will accomplish your mission.
Then, follow the map with consistency.
4. Marketing – Keep the sales funnel full at all times. Continuously reach out to new prospects.
5. Mentor – Find a mentor that is fully qualified and has demonstrated success. Listen intently to
what they tell you and trust them.
by following these principles you’ll a accomplish many things in your life that would
normally seem to be out of your reach. You can be successful! I believe in you! Believe in yourself!
Miracles do happen!
Are you ready to committee to follow these principles?
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