10/02/2025 9:21 AM


World Business Inquiries

Art Business Marketing and Branding Ideas – Tips to Marketing Your Art Via YouTube

YouTube is one of the top five visited sites in the world and has been a great resource for providing information, entertainment, and fun. Also it has become one of the most successful marketing tools on the web hemisphere. Yep, marketing. Can you believe? People along with major companies are using videos as part of their marketing campaign to rev-up sales or get the viewer to do some kind of action whether it be join their mailing list, visit their website, or purchase goods or service from the marketer.

Well, what does this have to do with artists, a lot. Just like major companies and independent companies are using YouTube as a way to market their products artist like you can too. Here’s how.

Videos are different from text and still images because videos allow viewers to get a glimpse of who the person really is on the video. Viewers can tell whether you are entertaining, funny, informative, or boring. So if you have a video of you, as an artist people can see you and maybe like you, resulting in them doing business with you in some way. If you do decide to go the YouTube route there are a few things you as an artist should consider.

First, post videos of you creating your artwork in your studio or class.

You want to allow people to see a taste of what it’s like to be in your world. While you are shooting the video you can talk a little about how your work is created from beginning to end. This type of video can serve as an artist statement to whom ever comes in contact with your video. You can post this type of video on your blog or site to serve as just that, an artist statement.

Second, create videos of you having an art show or art exhibition, especially if you have a lot of people at your show.

This gives the viewers a sense that you are professional and that you have some recognition from collectors and buyers. It’s also cool to see people socializing and mingling at one single location that’s devoted to you. So definitely post videos of yourself having an art show.

Third, use your videos to lead people to your site, blog, Facebook page, or what have you.

This is the most important thing you can do. You definitely want to have people to go to the main location where you sell and promote your art on the web. Again, whether it’s Facebook, a website, or blog you want to have the link or url somewhere in the video. It’s been said that it’s best to have it at the beginning of the video and at the end. Also you want to have a direct link to your site or fan page first thing in the description box next to your video. You can put this right after you upload your video.

If uploading video and making video is new to you don’t be too frightened by it, it’s very easy to get started. If you don’t know anything about video and YouTube just ask a family member especially a teenager or college student and I promise they can point you into the right direction. Also, don’t concern yourself about what kind of camera to use.

There are so many inexpensive cameras that you can purchase less than 100 bucks that will allow you to upload your video directly to YouTube. If you remember these few things I mentioned you can’t go wrong with getting a response from using videos to market your artwork.

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